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Back to the Center


Pucker Gallery
240 Newbury Street, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02116

About the Event:

Yoshinori Hagiwara

Represented by Pucker Gallery since 2010

BORN: 1974 in Mashiko, Japan

RESIDES: Mashiko, Japan

Yoshinori Hagiwara is the fifth generation of the Hagiwara family ceramic workshop, currently residing in Mashiko, Japan. To obtain formal training, he studied and researched at the Tochigi Prefectural Ceramics Instructional Institute. Yoshinori's work has since been selected for inclusion, and has won numerous prizes at the National Art Exhibition for multiple years. The most recent ceramics have broadened beyond his well-known persimmon glaze, and he has incorporated yellow kaki, blue nuka, and namijiro glaze into his artistic vocabulary. Creating his own expression through these glazes, he exhibits great control in creating elegant forms. In 2014, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry designated Hagiwara as a "Traditional Craftsman." His ceramics are included in significant public collections including the Art Institute of Chicago, the Schein Joseph Museum of Ceramic Art at Alfred University in Alfred, New York, and the Tikotin Museum of Art in Haifa, Israel.

Back to the Center is currently on view for free at Pucker Gallery.

Back to the Center WebinART

Talk featuring:

Ceramicist – Yoshinori Hagiwara

Ceramicist – Randy Johnston

Gordon L. Grosscup Museum Director and Professor of Museum Studies at Wayne State University – Andrew Maske

Brattleboro Museum Curator Emerita – Mara Williams

Gallery Associate – Caroline Staller

Gallery Director – Bernard Pucker

Translator – Mugi Hanao

Back to the Center Exhibition Catalogue

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